Why I Love Doggy Daycare for my Dogs!

pic from Dogtopia of Utica's facebook page- no more bad behavior! "Life is a series of dogs" - George Carlin said this during a comedy bit many moons ago, and it stuck with me from childhood to adulthood. Truer words have never been spoken! Every dog was unique, and I loved each and every one of them. I've only had brief periods in my life where I didn't have a dog faithfully following me around. Doggy Daycare That said, looking back I wonder if I did everything right by my dogs. When I was a kid, there really wasn't much choice- our dogs would get the cheapest kibble, and table scraps. Flea control was one of those little white stinky flea collars (whatever happened to those anyway?). More often than not the dogs were tied to a doghouse in the backyard, or they lived in the breezeway or some other area that wasn't part of the main house. We'd get them some cheap toys once and awhile, but nothing major. They seemed ok, but never real...